The International Coach Federation, Vancouver Chapter, celebrated their 2013 Coaching Awards with a gala event on the night of February 21, 2013. Oaxaca Studio design and produce various communication materials for this annual event. 
Working within ICF Vancouver's tagline: "Connect. Collaborate. Contribute." two concept designs were presented and a final style was then developed into an integrated communication campaign.
concept a) cover + back-cover spread
concept a) interior page spread
final concept • cover + back-cover spread
final concept • interior page spread
printed brochure • program typesetting detail
power point presentation • slide sample
power point presentation • slide sample
power point presentation • evening of the event
Disclaimer • Some samples in this portfolio may include illustrations, images or design concepts by other artists and are included because they are part of the final overall design. These elements are the property of their respective owners. All other artwork is credited and copyrighted to © OAXACA STUDIO.
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